CA Certificates / CRL
The Trusted Resources are critical for any certificate to existing, as they are considered the foundation for the Certification.
The Trusted Resources are critical for any certificate to existing, as they are considered the foundation for the Certification.
Having trust in the CA will spread the conviction on all the certifications issued by that particular Certificate Authority. If the client or User has trust issues with the root of the CA, then the Sterling B2B integrator will not have any further connection or trust on the certifications of that CA.
The CA Certificates have a Private Key in correspondence with the Public Key. The Private Key is owned by the CA, which is used to sign the Certificates for issuance. For any certificate to be validated, the User must confirm or check it with the CA certificate.
The CA Certificates and the Trusted Certificates are stored separately in the product. To check any Root certificate, the following resources can be aid through the user interface. They are:
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